- f**ked up their own daily lives (eg keeping the occassional mistress whom was susceptible to anal sex, until she was C4-ed),
- f**ked our money (eg paying 11% of submarine purchase prices into his own proxy company for "services rendered" when other governments normally buy direct, and only use agent companies if the latter can secure cheaper prices!), and
- f**ked the country from left and right (I guess I need not place any more examples- you can fill in the blanks already).
You can always count on Barisan Malu-sional clowns to make the strangest of demands and comments in the Parliament including branding esteemed Opposition leaders like YB Lim Kit Siang "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid" without apologies thereafter (even pre-schoolers act better than that, Nazri!), making sexist remarks one after another and making fun of women's menstruation cycle (Bung Mokhtar and Mohd Said, you guys are a disgrace to man-kind and I dare say your mums wished that they had never given birth to such insensitive pricks!) and making life altogether more alarming for most of us.
To these Barisan clowns, I tell you, "F**k you all!"
Sorry, lost my composure for a bit there.
Oh, back to who I am, some of you guessed that I was Susan Loone's (http://sloone.wordpress.com/) alter-ego, whom I am not actually. I do like her posts too, and I do respect her for calling a spade a spade but I can't take credit for her grey matters.
One of you think that you have met me during a Maybank annual dinner as I was with my wife, whom was introduced as the yoga centre owner in Bangsar. Sounds a lot like me, except... my wife's yoga centre is not in Bangsar. Sorry there, chap.
I am not Raja Petra Kamaruddin, as one of you has labeled me so. I have deep respect for that man through and through, and I hope that he can finally be that Krytonite that brings down a sleazy government. All the best in your court case there, Pete!
End of the day, I am just a Malaysian, whom types his postings from boutique cafes and go through re-routers so that my IP address is not reflected in Malaysia, to protect my own identity. If we had freedom of speech in this country, all this will not be necessary.
I am Malaysian, and proud to be one.
You are Susan, I can recognise your unique writing style. You have merely masked it by appearing more rough and tough; but the principals and the sincerity of your ideals remain strong. Strike them hard, Susan!