That is a theoretical question, of course. Ali Rustam has been eyeing the UMNO deputy president post for a long time now and must have thought, like Rosmah, that it was his time to rule. He was/is a racist through and through, and he remarked in 2007 while officiating the People's Progressive Party's state convention, that PPP could leave Barisan Nasional for all he care. Read what Pete has written,
"The PPP President and Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk M. Kayveas, fidgeted in his seat, as did the entire hall. Ali Rustam was going berserk. He was reminiscent of Adolf Hitler jumping up and down, ranting and raving like a dog foaming at the mouth that had gone mad with rabies. Nobody reacted. Nobody could react. They were all too shocked to react and just sat there for the next one and a half hours as Ali Rustam told PPP and the entire non-Malay population of Malaysia that they are insignificant and Umno does not need them.
Ever wonder why Nazri Aziz told the Agong off and declared that he is nothing more than the Prime Minister’s clerk? The Prime Minister decides and the Agong just signs like a good little boy or else he will get sent to bed without any ice cream. Such is the arrogance of Umno. And if there were any doubts before this, 15 October 2007 laid that matter to rest once and for all when Ali Rustam repeated numerous times, “I was with Najib yesterday,” as if to send the message to all and sundry that he has Najib’s blessing to tell the Indians and Chinese that they can go back to India and China for all Umno cares.
Umno has ruled Malaysia for 50 years, said Ali Rustam, and they can rule for another 50 years more. And Umno does not need PPP, MCA, MIC, Gerakan, Sabah, Sarawak or anyone else to do this. Yes, and even God Himself can’t sink Umno like He could not sink the Titanic."
"I was with Najib yesterday". That was his official answer anytime he gets into trouble, thinking that he is untouchable by the arms of law as he has the backing of Najib in whatever he does.
Well well well, the long arms of law has finally caught up with him and he is now being investigated for corruption charges. Haha, what a joke- MACC should really take him on now but of course, the corruptible MACC hides under Rosmah's skirts so you can really expect those bloody clowns to do much. However, Ali Rustam is now being sidelined from running in the deputy president's post.
When reporters caught up to him, after his much hiding when the story broke out, and asked him only a few questions- very simple questions, he was very much evasive. This transcript was from The Star.
Q: Datuk, among the Supreme Council members who were involved in money politics, and who have been called up by the disciplinary committee, is it true you are one of them?
A: You have to ask the disciplinary committee.
Q: Did you receive any letter, or anything?
A: You have to ask the disciplinary committee.
Q: Is your candidacy in trouble?
A: You kena tanya lembaga disiplin (you have to ask the disciplinary committee). They will answer you. They will give you the right answer.
Q: Are you worried?
A: What’s there to worry?
Q: Tomorrow, you’re meeting all the Malacca Umno division chiefs. What is it about?
A: That is preparation for the Umno General Assembly.
Q: Is it for you to announce that you’re pulling out or anything?
A: Takde kaitan dengan apa-apa (it’s not related to anything).
Q: Datuk, according to Utusan Malaysia reports today...
A: I didn’t read the Utusan today... very busy ... we were making our rounds, today in Johor.. I didn’t read the papers.
Q: If there is any member who has been called by the disciplinary committee, what should the committee do?
A: Ask the lembaga disiplin (disciplinary committee) tomorrow. I have no authority to comment.
Q: Because after this report is out ... many people blame you Datuk Seri ... so?
A: Sabarlah ... tunggu (be patient and wait). Tunggulah (wait). The disciplinary committee has its duties. Let them release their statement. We cannot interfere in the matter by the disciplinary committee.
Q: Datuk, are you still going to contest for deputy presidency?
A: Saya ni datang untuk memperkenalkan diri (I am here to introduce myself) ... Okay?
Hey, Ali Rustam, if you are innocent, just profess that you are innocent and wave the keris menacingly. Or better yet, give your official "I just met Najib yesterday" statement. Why the sudden cat-caught-your-tongue answers. You shouldn't be evasive like a Toyo bastard, as you will only make people ask, "Ali Rustam a corrupted arsehole?!" more loudly. Answer the truth and people will think that you are a real honest gentleman.Unless you ARE a corrupted arsehole, that is.
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