I don't know, so I am trying another website that also helps to make up fake IP addresses (I set the previous IP addresses to be based in UK, now I am trying US ones- let's see if this gets posted at the end of it all). In case the authorities are really lurking around here, do as I do. Access this page from your fave Starbucks/Coffee Bean AND/OR access this page via one of those online hide-IP addresses websites. Go to google, type in for hiding IP, and then use one of those free services to re-type this page so that your Malaysian IP is not revealed. Try using US, UK or even SG IP addresses as this ought to confuse those clowns wanting to track us down.
Hello Clowns, in case you are reading this, you think that I would be foolish enough to type this from the comforts of my own home without trying to hide my IP address. Well, Clowns, you cn google online and you shall see such software are plenty around and best of all, they are mostly free. Some needs to be paid if you want to install the application direct, as I have done, but with a small fee, you can set yourself to be typing this from anywhere in the world. Worth the investment? You bet it!

Hi, you can also install hide IP freewares (no need money)- just google and download. That's what I use to confuse the UMNO cyber-terrorist. Also, can you look into the khalwat photos of Nazrin (emailed to you) and do a piece? Thank you.