Or rather, the title should be aptly put as "ISA pergi!"
On a not-so-surprising move, Najib announced that he would release (ed : wrongfully?) detained ISA members as his contribution towards a more just Malaysia. Now, many has seen his very draconian leadership style in the much-hated Perak coup, then later his attempts to silence parliamental discussions about Atlantuya's murder and later on, the sheer mention of Atlantuya will have you be punished as his ears must be getting very sensitive towards the mudered mistress' name. Or perhaps he is haunted by her awakenings at night.
In any case, Najib was under much pressure to do something "good" so as to salvage his popularity polls result, which is basically right down there in the gutters (except in http://www.gutteruncensored.com/ where he is a constant figure poked and laughed at); so he had to choose something that is not damaging (in the sense that he is not seen as backtracking on his moves) and yet not too big an issues.
And voila, the freeing of the ISA detainees! These were guys detained from the Badawi administration (although we all know whom was the real culprit that had his hand in getting them behind bars- definitely not that puny Pak Lah) so Najib will emerge smelling as good as a rose if he "undid" the mistakes committed by the Badawi administration.
So the 2 HINDRAF leaders, 7 Darul Islam Sabah members, 1 Jemaah Islamiyah member and 3 foreigners said to have commited fraud, got to walk free finally after serving so much injustice without trial. Eventhough this was just a PR stunt, at least this Najib clown is doing something good at last, which no doubt would give him some positive points in the everyday Malaysian eyes. Heck, even I would give him a brownie point for now.
Now that he is "turning good" so to speak, it should be interesting to see how Anwar and company would be able to take this fight further. Of course, Najib being the devilish clown that he is, his guise would likely not be able to be maintained for long before his mischiefs surface again. But for now, he looks good; and as long as that fat Rosmah can keep her big mouth firmly shut (or at least, open only to take his "susceptibe to anal" cock), Najib should be able to gain more brownie points.
We shall all wait and see, my friends...